Stripe Pricing Tables

Free Plan

Expand your network of professionals. Be part of a global community of like-minded PMs.

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$0 CAD/month

Features you'll love:

Find jobs and resources.

Stay updated with new trends.

Access live and virtual events

Access free tools, publications, and real-time guidance.

Starter Plan

Access member-only resourses and enjoy GPT-4 enabled AI tools and hands-on experience.

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$5 CAD/month

Everything in Free, plus:

All Free plan features

Job intereview AI tools

Free Templates and tools

Access member only courses


Your exclusive membership key unlocks the door to resources, programs and services.

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$180 CAD/one-time

Everything in Starter, plus:

All starter plan features

Free/Discounted courses

Earn PDUs and CDUs in great rate

Project oportunities