Google’s New AI Tools Are Great For Designers

Yesterday at Google I/O (their yearly developer conference) they introduced an advance A.I. model along with a set of cool tools and creative software. These A.I. models go by the name of PaLM and Gemini, which sound both cute and futuristic at the same time.

Apart from the tech focused updates, they also showcased some creative tools that will make a designer’s life super easy and boost our creativity. Let’s take a look at them, shall we.

Google Imagen Homepage

Google’s Project ‘Imagen’

Google has been studying images for so long, that its AI is now capable of using a large language model to generate high quality images from just a simple prompt. “Imagine”, instead of searching for random images on Google, you ask it to create a custom image for you, which will be unique to your requirements and style. Whether you want something photorealistic or something cartoony, Google is striving to be your first choice.

On stage last night, Google promised that they are focused on responsible and trustworthy A.I. that will focus on certain rules and conditions.

Imagen will also upscale these images to a larger resolution in case you’re looking to share these on larger screens.

Some great examples of AI image generation using project Imagen

Examples of images generated by project Imagen

You might wonder if just like other A.I. platforms, Google’s Imagen will “steal” artwork and images to make their own. Let’s not forget, there was a multi-million dollar lawsuit against A.I. platforms that do just that.

On stage last night, Google promised that they are focused on responsible and trustworthy A.I. that will focus on certain rules and conditions. This leads me to believe that their A.I models will stay away from anything harmful or copyright issues.

Video made with Imagen

Apart from images, video will be possible too very soon. The above video was created with the help of Google’s diffusion model as well.

Google’s Project ‘Tailwind’

Google Tailwind is still an experiment, but was proudly shown off on stage, so I can say it is a big deal! Tailwind is the research and ideation tool of your dreams.

Google’s project tailwind in action

Google project tailwind

Unlike tools like Chat-GPT, tailwind focuses mainly on writing down unique ideas, summarising complex or large content (like a research paper), and based on what was shown, even cite research papers so as to be fair to the original author. Super impressed!

Based on my experiences as a UX designer, this would have saved me days on research and finding content to back my projects. No more trying to search for play store reviews, analytical data, and previous research on our problem statements.

cite research papers so as to be fair to the original author.

Google Tailwind is available in early beta for anyone to sign up for. However, this is only available for the U.S and is still in waitlist mode. Go ahead, register for this.

Duet A.I.

Google AI write a job description

Google AI writes a job description

Google comes up with the most creative names, don’t they? Well, Duet is the ‘companion’ tool for work related Google apps, that writes and builds content for you at work.

My girlfriend sometimes comes up to me for help with serious emails. Now I’m afraid I’ll be replaced soon, but It’s for science so I am cool with it.

What caught my eye was smart video call transcription which writes and sends moments of the meeting on your behalf. Email capabilities expand with various commands you will be allowed to give while writing anything in Gmail, which goes beyond basic auto-fill and correction.

Going All-In On Partnerships

Google is going all in on partnering with design companies like 

Canva Team

, Midjourney, and a huge list of others. This gives me hope that my favourite design tools, (I’m looking at you 


) will soon take advantage of these capabilities and saving our time and effort.

Since Google Cloud is a widely used service, it’ll be easier for companies to jump on to AI features while cloud lifts the heavy weights.

Thank you for taking out time to read, and a Clap will be hugely appreciated. I’m passionate about writing, so start following for more over the coming weeks.

Punit Chawla Prototypr

Written by Punit Chawla

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